Final Full-Paper / Final Abstract Submission

Submit Final Full Paper


Full Paper Templates

Download IEEE-Style Full Paper Template

PDF file: A manuscript file needs to be converted into its PDF version for submission. Please limit the size of the PDF file to be 5 Mb. Please do NOT stamp any page number in the paper pdf file.


Paper Size Top Margin Bottom Margin Left Margin Right Margin
A4 36 mm 19.1 mm 19.1 mm 13.1 mm

• Manuscript should NOT contain any 1) Page numbers; 2) Headers; 3) Footers.
• Author List. The author names should be listed in the order of First Name, Last (Sur) Name. DO NOT indicate any membership UNLESS the author is a member of the IEEE.
• Figures. Ensure every figure in your paper is clear enough, with a standard of 300 dots per inch (dpi).
• References. Refer to the template file below for the IEEE style of reference citations. Please do NOT use reference styles from publications of other societies or organizations.
Before uploading, please check your PDF file for PDF Express Compliance . (Conference ID: 50311XP )
You are recommended to finish your uploads at least 3 hours before the deadline to avoid the traffic jam in network.

Quick Summary for Final Paper Submission:

  1. Upload the final paper PDF file to the conference website (Max 5MB)
  2. Complete IEEE PDF eXpress Plus checking and upload the PDF Express Plus Compliance Email (Conference ID: 50311XP )
  3. Complete the e-copyright form in the final submission page

If the above requirements are not met by the set deadlines, the paper will not be published in the conference proceedings.

iThenticate Similarity Index

As stated in the submission guidelines, contributed manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism and related violations. For this purpose the iThenticate tool provides the editorial board with a similarity report for each contribution. These reports are merely a tool to facilitate the search for sources containing similar text to other documents. The generated similarity index is calculated out of all scores against documents in the CrossCheck database. A high similarity index does not necessarily imply plagiarism. The decision whether or not a submission violates the rules for plagiarism is made after careful examination of both the submitted manuscript and other sources containing similar text passages.