“Modular Magnetic Digital Microfluidic Platform with 3D-printed Lego-like Building Blocks for On-demand Bioanalysis” [Paper ID: 1008]
Pojchanun KANITTHAMNIYOM, Aiwu ZHOU & Yi ZHANG, Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore
“AC Electrothermal Flow-Enhanced, Label-Free Immunosensor for Rapid Electrochemical Sensing” [Paper ID: 76]
Jiran LI & Peter LILLEHOJ, Michigan State Univ., USA
“A Programmable Nanodroplet Device with Direct Sample-to-Droplet Interface Toward High-throughput Screening” [Paper ID: 22]
Fangchi SHAO, Kuangwen HSIEH, Pengfei ZHANG, Aniruddha KAUSHIK & Tza-Huei WANG, John Hopkins Univ., USA
IEEE-NEMS 2020 Contests Information and Rules
The IEEE-NEMS Conference Series annually selects winners to receive the Best Conference Paper Award and the Best Student Paper Award. Starting from NEMS 2011, the Steering Committee has decided to also grant a Best Conference Poster Award annually at the conference. In addition, we are very grateful to a group of private donors in contributing financially to the conference to set up a CM HO Best Paper Award in Micro/Nano Fluidics, in honor of Prof. C.-M. Ho, of the University of California, Los Angeles. For any of these awards, factors to be considered in determining the winners are the significance of the new findings/applications, technical merits, originality, potential impact on the field, and clarity of presentation.
Awards Selection Rules
(The rules below are for reference only. )
1. Authors may nominate their original research work to enter the Awards Competition when they submit their 4 to 6 pages of full paper online before/on the deadline of abstract submission. Papers with the General Chair, Technical Program Chair, or Awards Committee Chair (of the current conference year) on the authors list are NOT eligible for any of the awards.
2. The Technical Program Chair and Co-Chairs will each nominate 2 finalist papers to be considered for the Best Conference Paper Award and 2 finalist papers for the Best Student Paper Award (i.e., a total of 10 finalists for each award). The Technical Program Co-Chair who is responsible for handling the reviews of abstracts submitted to the “Microfluidics and Nanofluidics” track will nominate 5 finalist papers to be considered for the CM HO Best Paper in Micro/Nano Fluidics Award. There is no exclusivity for the awards, i.e., it is possible that a paper can be nominated as a finalist for all 3 awards.
Note: Authors who are currently performing research in any labs/organizations directed by Prof. Chih-Ming HO is NOT eligible to receive the CM HO Best Paper in Micro/Nano Fluidics Award.
3. The Technical Program Chair will forward the finalist abstracts (10+10+5 for the 3 awards) to the Awards Committee, which will then take over the awards selection process. The Awards Committee will select the awards winners (winners will be announced at the Conference Banquet) based on the following criteria.
a. Technical merit and presentation of the 4 to 6 pages of Full Paper.
b. Oral Presentation and Q&A performance at the conference. The oral presentations of the finalist papers will be open to all conference attendees to attend.
Note: Winning 1 of the awards does NOT automatically exclude a paper from winning the other 2 awards, i.e., it is possible for a paper to be awarded all 3 awards.
4. All accepted poster presentation papers presented at the conference are eligible for the Best Conference Poster Award. The contents presented at the poster sessions should be of original research results. The winner of this award will also be announced at the Conference Banquet. The Awards Committee will appoint a subcommittee to select the winner of this award at the conference based on the following criteria:
a. The Poster’s adherence to the poster design rules set by the conference
b. Technical merit and presentation of the poster
c. Q/A performance during poster sessions
Awards Information
Note: For all awards described below, papers with the General Chair, Technical Program Chair and Co-Chairs, or Awards Committee Chair/members (of the current conference year) on the authors list are NOT eligible for any of the awards.
– Best Conference Paper Award (Certificate and Cash Prize)
Eligibility: Any paper with original research results can be considered for the Best Conference Paper Award, provided that the research results presented have not been presented anywhere else in the world at the time of abstract submission.
There are no restrictions as to nationality, race, creed, sex, or age of the authors.
– Best Student Paper Award (Certificate and Cash Prize)
Eligibility: Any original research work can be considered for the Best Student Paper Award, provided that the first author is a student and primary developer of the ideas contained in the paper. There are no restrictions as to nationality, race, creed, sex, or age of the authors.
– CM HO Best Paper Award in Micro/Nano Fluidics (Certificate and Cash Prize)
The purpose of this award is to promote the fundamental understanding of micro/nano fluidics phenomena and the application of this technology in molecular detection, manipulation, and in biology and medicine.
Eligibility: Any paper with original research results related to micro/nano fluidics can be considered for this award, provided that the research results presented have not been presented anywhere else in the world at the time of abstract submission. However, any authors currently performing research from a lab/organization directed by Prof. Chih-Ming HO is NOT eligible for this award.
There are no restrictions as to nationality, race, creed, sex, or age of the authors.
– Best Conference Poster Award (Certificate and Cash Prize) — NOTE: Virtual IEEE-NEMS 2020 will NOT offer the Best Poster Award due to the difficulties in judging posters in a virtual format. Thank you for your understanding!
Eligibility: All accepted poster presentation papers presented at the conference are eligible for the Best Conference Poster Award. The contents presented at the poster sessions should be of original research results.